Sucralose Water Test

Recommended for targeted testing for the presence or absence (P/A) of sucralose in drinking water. Sucralose, an artificial sweetener, has been increasingly used as an indicator of anthropogenic contamination (i.e. contamination caused by human activity). Because sucralose is synthetic and not readily consumed by microorganisms in water, it often persists once in the water supply. Subsequently, its presence can serve as a marker of water impacted by human activity.
This Tap Score water test package provides all required materials to properly collect and submit a sample for certified laboratory testing. Reported results will include analysis for the presence or absence of sucralose by liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS-MS).
Sucralose Water Test
Is this the right test for you?
What our scientists say:
“ Because sucralose persists once it gets into a water supply, its presence or absence in drinking water can serve as a good indicator of anthropogenic contamination. "
This is the right test if you:
- Concerned about contamination related to human activity.
- Looking to determine if industrial or other anthropogenic-related contamination has impacted the water supply.
How it works
1. Collect Sample
We ship you everything you need to test your drinking water, including a guide on how to collect your sample.
2. Ship to Lab
Send your sample back to us for rigorous, certified, independent testing. The shipping’s on us!
3. Get a Report
After our labs analyze your sample, we’ll send you a full report on what's in your water and what to do next.
Your custom Tap Score Cawaits.
After our certified labs receive and test your water sample, we will email your custom Tap Score Report, a simple digital tool that helps you understand exactly what’s in your water and what you can do about it. LEARN MORE