
- End the Chronic Soft Tissue Pain - Release the Hardening
- Restore Your Natural Metabolism and Chemistry in Your Fascia
- 100% Organic or Wild-Crafted Herbs
Fibro-Ease addresses the specific, rare nutritional imbalances that cause connective tissue inflammation.
This advanced herbal combination helps restore your natural metabolism and chemistry that brings back normal, pain-free function.
Fibro-Ease provides pain relief in as little as two to four weeks as fascia and muscles begin to soften and and the hardened fibrinous material is safely and efficiently re-absorbed. The tissues of your body are returned to their natural healthy state – flexible, free-flowing and pain-free.
Fibro-Ease works specifically on the nutritional imbalance associated with the growth of fibrous tissues between and around your muscles. It does not necessarily affect other symptoms associated with auto-immune problems, such as fatigue, joint pain or back aches. We demonstrate the simple test to palpate the tissue in the “Ending Fibromyalgia” video to show you how you can determine if Fibro-Ease is the right supplement for you.