Slim Spurling's Universe: The Light-Life Technology: Ancient Science Rediscovered to Restore the Health of the Environment and Mankind by Cal Garrison (1-Feb-2006) Paperback

Slim Spurling is, to me, the true ìLord of the Rings.î His understanding of ring technology is unparalleled. In this book you will discover more about life and the physical world we live in than in any university program. Itís worth your time! Slim will change your view of your world and what is possible.
~Drunvalo Melchizedek
This is a phenomenal book to learn more about dowsing, understanding geopathic stress and how to work with it. It gives more of an understanding of what is behind, above and all around the issue.
Slim Spurling has worked in the field of subtle energy all of his life. Long before this man invented the LightLife™ Tools he gained acclaim as a Geobiologist and dowser. Geobiology, the study of the influence that “Earth Energies” have on every living thing, is based on the understanding that the earth is permeated with energy lines, or meridians, of electromagnetic energy. These invisible meridians pass right through matter and have either a positive or negative influence on the environment and the people and systems inhabiting it. Since man is an electromagnetic creature, every cell in the human body is like an electrical battery. In the presence of negative frequencies, our bodies respond by getting sick, or angry, or depressed. These energies, or what Geobiologists refer to as “Geopathic Stress” are the cause of 90% of all illness on the planet and they impact everything in a way that makes it difficult to maintain harmony in our lives. Slim’s fieldwork and research into the way negative frequencies operate led him to develop blocking and clearing techniques that virtually nullify their destructive effects. As he became more familiar with these subtle energies Slim discovered that they can be changed or transmuted from negative to positive using very simple dowsing methods. Those methods are described in detail in, “Slim Spurling’s Universe; The LightLife™ Technology – Ancient Science Rediscovered to Restore the Health of the Environment and Mankind”