Vortex Magnet Energizer (VME)

New Improved (VME)
Vortex Magnetic Energizer transforms lifeless water into full-spectrum living water.
This amazing device is designed to activate the full life force of your water. The VME creates a vortex as water passes through a reversed magnetic field and Earth Resonance Ring.
After years of research and experimentation, it is available in a portable and easy-to-use kit. Made of FDA approved medical grade plastic, four high-powered magnets imprinted with resonance frequencies. Both the magnetic arrangement and the funnel shape of the water opening are precisely designed by Randy Hatton, to maximize the benefits.
The Earth Resonance Ring vibrates with the Earth’s central core and with the Earth’s natural energy field. It grounds water, strengthening and refining its connection to the core energy of the Earth. The Earth Resonance Rings have a measurable oscillation of approximately 333 MHz.
The importance of Magnetism
The human body is an electromagnetic organism. All the cells have two magnetic poles, north and south, in their DNA. Electricity flows through the nerves in our bodies the same way electricity flows through an electrical wire. The body’s magnetism comes from two sources: 1) magnetism from the Earth’s magnetic field, and 2) magnetism produced through metabolism within the cells in the body.
The Earth’s magnetic field has been found to be decreasing at a significant rate – a total 50% decrease in the last 500 years. These findings suggest that this phenomenon may be the cause of many of people’s most common ailments such as discomfort, stiffness, stress, and fatigue.
Magnetism is also produced inside the body, yet the magnetism made internally by the body (through oxidation) is not adequate to sustain life. Humans, therefore, have a definite dependency on magnetism from an external source. Since the Earth’s magnetism is rapidly decreasing, it is important to find ways to recharge ourselves – such as by drinking Vibrant Vital Water®
Water gives the body power, by generating electrical and magnetic energy inside each cell – making magnetism a key factor in water’s degree of function in the body. When water is exposed to magnetic fields, the molecules reduce in size and also align and assume a hexagonal structure (a more stable water molecule). Also, the surface tension of the water is lowered, helping it to purify the purify the body, increase vitality, and stabilize the structure and composition of the cells. Also, magnetized elements in water attract and absorb toxins from the body’s cells so they can be flushed out before they become destructive.
Scientific Evidence of the Magnetic Effect
The use of magnetism to revitalize and purify water is not new. Ancient Romans were among the first to utilize the Earth’s magnetic properties with their aqua ducts designed to purify and revitalize water. Some recent innovators have confirmed the health benefits of magnetic therapies and uses, including Johann Grander, Dr. Mu Shik Jhon, and Walter Rawls, Jr. PhD.
Of the many scientists who have studied and tested magnetic water treatments, Dr. Gerhard Pioch, an Austrian researcher, focused on magnetized water and its effects on human health. He reported that residues from poisonous chemicals, heavy metals and harmful substances in the human body are most commonly are of negative polarity and are not eliminated from the body. Dr. Pioch discovered that chemical wastes in the body are washed out by using magnetically-treated water. Contaminants deposited into the body, such as medications, fertilizers, food-borne chemicals, pesticides (including traces of DDT) and heavy metals are neutralized by the magnetized water treatments.
Another scientist, Dr. Albert Roy Davis spent many years finding ways to demonstrate how water is transformed by exposure to magnetic fields. He published his research results in Anatomy of Biomagnetics in 1974, and other researchers later confirmed and completed his findings. They showed that magnetically treated water affects the human body when taken internally and regularly for a considerable period of time. Also, when water is magnetically treated, more hydroxyl (OH-) ions are created to form alkaline molecules and reduce acidity. Neutral water has a pH level of about 7, whereas magnetized water tends to be more alkaline. His research has shown that the following phenomena can be observed after water has been magnetized:
- Increase in hydrogen ion activity
- Decrease in water weight
- Decrease in quantity of nitrogen dissolved in water
- Increase in the number of crystallization centers
The Importance of the Vortexing Influence
“Everything in the universe is spinning. Instead of fighting nature, work with nature because it is highly successful at producing a serious amount of energy. Attach your technology to it and you will have very very large capacity to do things which seem like miracles today.” – Nassim Haramein, The Resonance Project
Spiral movement is a prerequisite in all living systems, and these spirals of energy lie at the heart of nature. They allow sap to rise, drops to form, shells to emerge, and threads of DNA to open and close in response to information transmitted by moving cellular water. Healthy water naturally forms spirals as it flows. Spiral movement is present in the natural flow of water in rivers, streams, and the ocean, in the human circulatory system, and in the planetary movements in space. These vortices act as powerful resonant structures, energizing, oxygenating, purifying, and ionizing the water as it moves.
The inside layers of water in a vortex flow much faster than outer layers. In a vortex, the speed multiplied by the radius is a constant. Theoretically, this means that the velocity at the center of a vortex is infinite. As the forces in a vortex approach infinity and as layers expand and contract, hydrogen bonds in the water molecule begin to stretch. This opens the molecular structure of water for a constant interchange and exchange of electrons. As hexagonal structuring increases, the water’s ability to carry vibrations and frequency information also increases.
Vortexing water activates, vitalizes, and helps the body prevent disease – this makes it a very important influence to achieve the maximum healing effects of pure water. Though most filtered water is usually chemically clear, it is dead compared to water in rushing brooks which spins as it flows. By applying the vortex effect, we are energetically cleaning the water and incorporating oxygen into the water – just like it happens in nature. As in nature, the pressure of this centripetal inner-winding vortex assists water to change, transform and renew itself. This vortex action also erases harmful vibrational frequencies, such as those found in chlorine, fluoride, PCB’s, and to eliminate bacteria, parasites and any other toxins.
Evidence of the Vortexing Effect
“Comprehend nature, then copy Nature.”- Viktor Schauberger (1885-1958)
The qualities of vortexed water were best described by Viktor Schauberger, a brilliant Austrian inventor and naturalist. He established solid evidence of the huge difference between “dead water” and “living water.” “Dead water” is still water such as bottled or distilled water. Living water, as he taught, is like the water found in springs and rivers that forms spirals and vortices as it flows causing higher zeta potentials (life force), higher ionization, oxygenation, kills parasites and bacteria, as well as raising the body’s electron count.
Further research was recently done by Dr. Mu Shik Jhon of Korea. He showed that in a vortex the inner layers of water flow much faster than the outer layers, and that the velocity at the center of the vortex is infinite. The hydrogen bonds in the water molecules begin to stretch as these layers expand and contract. This opens the molecular structure of water for a constant interchange and exchange of electrons. As hexagonal structuring increases, the water’s ability to carry vibrations and frequency information also increases. Dr. Jhon understood the importance of this vortex effect to restructure water.
Tell me about “hexagonal water”. What is so significant about the shape or structure of water molecules?
All water is a network of hydrogen-bonded molecules. Water is mostly of a pentagonal structure that can form numerous structures, depending on how the individual molecules bond together. Fig. 1 below shows how most water is randomly structured, with different sized clusters all held together with hydrogen bonds.
Fig.1: Structure of most water: Groupings of
interconnected water molecules in the liquid state
Hexagonal water, as shown in Fig. 2, is unique in that it consists of a tightly hydrogen-bonded network and a specific arrangement of individual water molecules where 6 H2O units consistently link to form a ring-like structure. Essentially, it is more organized than ‘normal water’, forming a crystalline lattice like that found in pure rain and fresh snow. The number of hexagonal units in the water determines its ability to enter the cells in the body. The hexagonal structure is easily destroyed by environmental contaminants and modern water treatment processes, which is the reason most water has few hexagonal units.
Fig.2: Hexagonal Water Ring

Fig.3: Angle of normal water clusters
“…cells surrounded by less structured water are weaker and
more prone to malfunction and genetic mutation.”
–Dr. Mu Shik Jhon
As shown in Fig. 4 below, hexagonally-structured water allows rapid penetration within the cells of the body. This allows for cellular communication, intracellular water movement, enzyme function, cleansing of the body’s cells, efficient transport of nutrients into the cells, greater stabilization, superior hydration, electrical communication between cells, and many other metabolic processes.
Fig.4: Hexagonally shaped water- Pollutants and toxins are unable to bond with water molecules – this prevents toxin accumulation and cellular problems.
As shown in Fig. 4 below, hexagonally-structured water allows rapid penetration within the cells of the body. This allows for cellular communication, intracellular water movement, enzyme function, cleansing of the body’s cells, efficient transport of nutrients into the cells, greater stabilization, superior hydration, electrical communication between cells, and many other metabolic processes.
Fig.4: Hexagonally shaped water- Pollutants and toxins are unable to bond with water molecules – this prevents toxin accumulation and cellular problems.
What are the proven health benefits of hexagonal water?
“…Aging is a loss of Hexagonal Water from organs, tissues and cells, and an overall decrease in total body water. Replenishing the Hexagonal Water in our bodies can increase vitality, slow the aging process, and prevent disease”.–Dr. Mu Shik Jhon
Recent scientific studies have proven the many health benefits of magnetic water to be true. Researchers include Dr. Mu Shik Jhon (1932-2004) of Korea. During his career, Dr. Jhon received more than 30 honors and awards, including the Grand Science Award and the Presidential Award of Science (the highest scientific award in Korea). He spoke or presented papers at over 250 scientific gatherings and is recognized for his work on the Theory of Liquids, The Structure of Water, The Properties of Electrolyte Solutions, The Properties of the Hydrogen Bond, Statistical Mechanics, Chemical Rate Theory on Polymers and Quantum Chemistry.
Dr. Jhon’s book The Water Puzzle and the Hexagonal Key, summarizes his 40 years of research, which shows that hexagonally-structured water is associated with:
- Greater energy
- Rapid hydration
- Heightened immune function
- Better nutrient absorption
- Longevity
- Weight loss
- Greater metabolic efficiency
- Greater overall health
Other findings show that hexagonally structured water assists with:
- Enzyme activation
- The efficient removal of toxins
- Super cellular hydration and overall body revitalization;
- Increased oxygenation at the cellular level
- Electron-rich free-radical neutralization and cleansing
Dr. Jhon’s research has helped us to understand why hexagonal water is energetically more powerful than unorganized water. Water releases a considerable amount of heat as it freezes. This is why many farmers mist their crops to protect them from damage during frost. He explained that hexagonal water had a higher specific heat value than normal water. Consequently, it has a greater capacity to perform work, to absorb temperature changes, to expel wastes and to protect the body from energetic disturbances. It also supports the production of healthy DNA and stores more energy in the body, which enhances metabolic efficiency in the body. He showed that the amount of energy/calories that hexagonal water can store/transfer is measurably greater than unorganized water.
His research also revealed that hexagonally-sized and shaped molecules going into cells were much easier assimilated, bringing in nutrients to the cell and flushing out toxins and keeping the body’s cells hydrated, which is the key to health and vitality. He learned that by freeing the hydrogen component of water, you are allowing the energy in the water to be utilized.
The amount of hexagonal water in the body has been correlated with aging. When babies are born, he explained, they are full of this hexagonal water; and as we age, it depletes fairly rapidly. He also found that hexagonal water forms the initial layer of water surrounding healthy cells, while unorganized water surrounds diseased and abnormal cells.
Dr. Jhon’s research showed that the structure of the water within the human body was significant around proteins and especially around DNA. He found differences in the structure of the water surrounding healthy and diseased DNA, and verified the existence of greater numbers of hexagonal units in association with healthy proteins. According to Dr. Jhon,“…when the structure of the water near cells is compromised, the cells are more vulnerable to external stimuli. Ultimately, cells surrounded by less structured water are weaker and more prone to malfunction and genetic mutation.”
Beyond these important scientific contributions, Dr. Jhon was one of the first to document that drinking hexagonal water could improve the functioning of the human body. He showed that drinking hexagonal water improved food transit time through the colon, reducing constipation and bowel discomfort within weeks.
His research focused on several of the factors that participate in the creation of hexagonal water. He and others identified the importance of magnetic and electric fields, the role of minerals and the impact of temperature, the significance of the vortex/spiral effect, and movement and pressure on the structure of water.
Dr. Mu Shik Jhon will forever be remembered in the scientific community for his numerous contributions. But for those of us who are able to drink hexagonal water on a daily basis, his contribution to our understanding of the structure of water is invaluable.
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