Prebiotic Supplement

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Microbial balance is essential to hydration.
In nature, as water passes through the soil, it also picks up a diverse spectrum of microbiota (tiny organisms), and microflora (tiny plants) within it. And these are necessary to our bodies optimal functioning, as we have evolved to consume these organisms. Raw wild spring water, as countless generations of your ancestors evolved to drink, is its own natural probiotic.
We often consider hydration to just be a matter of how much water our cells absorb. But in fact, it's just as important how much water our microbiome absorbs as well. Because you have 1.3 other organisms to every 1 of your own cells. And these are aquatic organisms! They're like the fish and coral reefs of your internal oceans. For the ocean to be healthy, it needs a diversity of organisms. Likewise, the health of your bodily terrain depends on the health of these trillions of little aquatic creatures within you. How much water they absorb is also a factor in your hydration. And their diversity is a factor in your hydration, too!
Hydration and microbial gut health go hand in hand. If you have leaky gut (very common) you can bet you're not absorbing enough hydration. And our macromembranes mirror our micromembranes.
That's why I highly recommend good pro- and pre- biotics as a part of any well-rounded hydration strategy and BIOHM is absolutely one of the BEST on the market.
Since I started taking BIOHM's Prebiotic, I have noticed a significant improvement in my gut health! Thankful for this product, don’t want to be without it!! - Vivian S.