Lymplex- Cleanse Your Lymphatic System

Lymplex capsules can be used to support your lymphatic system and maintain a healthy immune response at the first sign of a sore throat or general malaise, or as part of a complete detox program.
Actions of Lymplex
Lymplex capsules contain a blend of 10 organic and wildcrafted herbs designed to strengthen and tighten the lymph nodes and junctions as well as cleanse and flush out the 45 pints of fluid in our lymphatic system.
The lymph system, which includes the 1,000,000+ nodes as well as specialized organs, such as the spleen, tonsils, thymus and appendix, is responsible for proper immune function, as well as the direct drainage and detoxification of the blood and interstitial fluids.
Removing Toxins
Every day your cells create waste products which they need to get rid of. The lymphatic system bathes the cells like a gently flowing stream removing these metabolic wastes and keeping your cells clean and happy.
Thus, one aspect of the lymphatic system can be likened to the garbage collectors of a metropolitan city. No one notices or appreciates them until they go on strike and garbage starts piling up everywhere making the city unlivable.
If you want to keep your cells clean and happy, keep your lymphatic system healthy.
Destroying Infections
Every day we are assaulted by thousands of viruses, fungi, bacteria and parasites. One of the jobs of the lymphatic system is to recognize these infections and destroy them. In this way, the lymphocytes (the white blood cells of the lymphatic system) are constantly on patrol like your own private police force.
Cells like Natural Killer T-cells are specialized attack cells that can recognize certain stealth infections and tumors. Memory T-cells keep a record of every infection you have ever been exposed to so the next time you are exposed to the same or a similar infection, your immune system respond almost instantaneously.
The bacteria that grow on teeth have been associated with many diseases including heart disease. With every swallow of food we transfer these bacteria down our throat.
While the stomach has acids to kill these bacteria, the throat must continually deal with this bacterial onslaught and it is the tonsils that come to our defense.
Tonsils are part of the lymphatic system. If you have a chronically sore throat, that is a sign that your lymphatic system may need some help.
If you work from a desk, add another 8 hours of inactivity. Add to that the amount of time that the we spend watching TV and in our daily commute and it becomes apparent, the average American now spends the vast majority of his or her time in a state of physical inactivity. Without exercise and physical activity, the lymphatic flow decreases by 94%.
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