HeartFusion(tm), The Magic of Imprinting Water

Some have said this book should be called "Instant Results!". This book is an autobiographical, self help, educational book. It takes the reader on a journey into the author's life as she discovers the world of frequency, energy, the latest Russian research, and Dr. Masaru Emoto's work on the crystals formed in water as a result of a person's projected energy. It goes onto explain the process of imprinting water and how to use that to heal deep traumas, core issues and emotional patterns for oneself. Results are instantaneous and the process can be done in one 's own kitchen at any time! It is can be done by anyone: children, adults and even done for pets. This opens up a whole new dimension for personal or guided healing and a very different perspective of the world! This method was endorsed by the coordinator of research for The HeartMath(tm) Institute.