Electrolytes Blend

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The minerology of water is really important. It gives water it’s potential to have an electrical, ionic charge. Because otherwise, water is not a conductor. Water is an insulator, if it doesn’t have electrolytes.
We need our water to be electrically charged and have this ionic function because within our bodies we need to maintain an excess of electrons at all times. When we have an excess of protons we call those free radicals and they cause inflammation, oxidative stress and damage in the body.
Two time Nobel laureate, Dr. Linus Pauling once said: “You could trace every disease and every ailment to a mineral deficiency.” 90% of Americans are deficient in trace minerals - and that can set our bodies up for failing health. In fact, trace minerals are often the missing link in healing. Nature has designed ecosystems such that natural water provides doses of minerals and electrolytes necessary for our survival. Wild spring water has beautifully balanced and buffered mineral profiles. But the filtered, treated, denatured, processed water that most folks drink is totally devoid of them.
Make your own electrolyte water.
Enrich filtered drinking water with electrolytes, minerals, and ionic trace minerals. All the electrolytes your body needs without the excess sugar and plastic bottles.
* Excellent source of electrolytes for fitness training
* Ideal hydration choice before, during and post-workout
* Swirl and blend then store and chill in our 1.5L Container
A VIP package tracking and protection service included for every order.
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