Spiral Vortex Water Dowsing Pendulum

There are multiple ways of using pendulums with water. And as with all water divination practices, the intention is just to cultivate a deeper relationship with water herself. Think of it as striking up a conversation. We want to approach this communication with openness and curiosity.
The first method of pendulum water divination is through radiesthesia —using as a pendulum suspended over a glass of water. This is a form of "Hydromancy"
Hydromancy, often also referred to as Hydroscopy is an art of divination using water as a medium, scrying surface or tool. Term hydromancy ( Old Greek “hydros” – water and “manteia” divination ) was more often used for those methods that were more “mystical” in nature , and “modus operandi”, such as let’s say water scrying. The term Hydroscopy ( Old Greek “scopein” – to observe ) was rarely ever used, and when it was, it was used to describe those methods which had more scientific procedures about them, like the methods with pendulum, or casting stones on steady/calm water surface to cause ripples which could be read. You can do the ripple method with a pendulum as well, by dipping the point into the water and scrying into the ripple patterns.
In Renaissance magick, Hydromancy came to be one of the seven “artes magicae “ or “artes pohibitae” that is one of the “seven forbidden arts”, according to canon law , as expounded by J. Hartlieb in 1456th
Water is an element associated traditionally with feminine, intuition, psychic powers, emotions, and Moon ( among other things ) , hence it makes an ideal medium for spiritual work known as divination. It’s also associated with Archangel Gabriel, harbinger of important news, and holder of mystical knowledge and secrets, as well as Archangel known to guide people and advice them.
While scrying into water can bring psychic insight, using a pendulum can help with more specific questions, answers, and clarification of scrying visions.
You can create your own method, however here is an ancient one that might help you in finding your own unique divination style.
The diviner is to place the glass with water in front of themselves, dip the pendulum in it, wait until it becomes steady. Then, the diviner asks the question, and then gently swirls the vessel couple of times. Number of times the pendulum hits the side is indicative of yes, or no, answer, same rule applied to water ripple technique ( the previous one that was suggested ) goes here as well. Loud strikes of the pendulum, were considered to foretell a negative outcome, whereas the quiet, and / or dull strikes were ominous of an desired, positive way the issue would unfold.
The second method of water pendulum divination is dowsing.
This is a method of finding underground water sources by using a pendulum over a map. If we use the theory that we are all capable of unconsciously experiencing subtle forces and energies of the earth, vibrations of thought, and auric emanations, then dowsing is using a tool to interpret these experiences and bring them into conscious awareness.
While Dowsing Rods are ideal for this practice outdoors, pendulums are best for indoor use because they are the most sensitive. Wind and walking will affect their movements. If you want to use a pendulum for an outdoor job, try ‘map dowsing’ or ‘proxy dowsing.” Map dowsing uses a pendulum held over a map, and proxy dowsing uses another person to walk around outside while the dowser uses the pendulum in a sheltered spot, keeping the proxy in sight and earshot to tell them when to stop or turn, etc.
Calibrate your pendulum to you. Some books give definite directions for “yes” or “no” directions of swing. But your directions may be different.
1. Hold the pendulum thread or chain between index finger and thumb and let it hang straight down. Experiment with different holding positions. Just keep in mind that the pendulum must have a free range of movement. Use whichever hand you like. You can rest your elbow on a surface, or not. It all depends on what is comfortable for you.
2. Create a Neutral Balance for your pendulum by beginning to swing the pendulum forward and back. This overcomes the law of inertia and allows quicker response to your questions. You can start from a still position if you like, but it takes much, much longer, and I haven’t found it to be any more accurate.
3. Test out your response times by asking the pendulum to swing in various different directions, like counter-clockwise, side to side, and such. Do this without consciously moving the pendulum. Let it respond as if it were doing so on its own.
4. Go back to the neutral balance swing and ask your pendulum to indicate a “yes” answer. After it has changed direction, note that this is the direction the pendulum will swing when giving YOU a “yes” answer.
5. Repeat the process for a “no” answer, and a “count of 1 direction.” With the ‘count’ direction you can get numerical values for questions such as “how long” “how many” ‘how much.”
6. Get a direction for “yes, but” and “no, but” because not all answers can be 100% “yes” or “no.”
A typical direction pattern would be clockwise for “yes,” counterclockwise for “no,” diagonal right for “yes, but,” diagonal left for “no, but,” and side to side for counting.
Finding Answers
Now you can experiment with finding answers to questions. The uses for pendulum dowsing are only limited by your own ingenuity. Try map dowsing. Take your pendulum to the supermarket to find ripe melons or the best products for you. Dowse you car for possible problems. There are hundreds of uses.