Brass Water Dowsing Divining Rods for Water Witching and Finding Underground Water

Finding underground water is the most common use for dowsing, and has been practiced for many hundreds of years. It's still a common practice employed around the world, and the most effective means is by L-rods.
L-Rods, also known as angle Rods are L shaped wires traditionally used for field dowsing.L-Rods and L-Rods with sleeves are the most popular among dowsers. L-Rods respond by either opening, or closing when asked a question. L-Rods can also point in a direction when searching for an object. Some dowsers use L-Rods for space clearing or feng shui. Dowsers use L-Rods for locating water, treasure, energy, food, directions and information. L-Rods are useful for any type of dowsing.
How to use dowsing rods
Hold the rods in front of you, one in each hand, by the handle, with the long length of the rod parallel to the ground and pointing forward. Hold it loosely but not so loosely that it topples, and don’t hold it too tightly or it won’t be able to swing open. Put your elbows to your sides. This keeps your hands and rods steady, and helps center your energy. Clear your mind and get centered.
In order to search for anything using a rod, you must clear your mind and then focus very clearly on what ever it is that you are looking for. It helps to say the name of the object over and over as well as visualizing it in your mind.
Rod divining involves a great deal of walking; it can be a tiring method of divining. Still it is one of the most accurate methods of all, particularly if you own the rod you are using. You develop a kind of communion with the rod, as you work with it you are attuning to its energies and it becomes at one with you.
Once you get a clear picture of what you are looking for walk slowly and gently in the direction the rods are pointing, this is the direction to what you are looking for. Walk slowly and deliberately and allow the rods to move freely. As you walk the rods will move and point to another direction, carefully turn your body and follow in this direction. Your rods are now guiding you to what you are looking for. When they reach the area of the desired object, the rods will cross over each other in front of your body or swing fully open, indicating they have found what you were searching for.
The direction that your rods will turn varies from person to person, sometimes only one rod is dowsing for you, when you actually put it into practice you’ll quickly see how the rods turn for you, and you’ll notice that they’ll follow the same pattern almost every time.
Once you become adept at the practice, you can learn how to dowse using only a map, without the necessity of walking the land with your L-Rods.