Infinity Bloc

- Harmonize the energy in any homes, restaurants, workspaces, or even large farms.
- Harmonize and neutralize EMF (3G, 4G, 5G, WiFi, microwaves, etc.).
- You can charge any object that fits into an Infinity Bloc with pure, dynamic and powerful quantum energy!
- You can copy any frequency into any object – in only 10 seconds
- etc.
Size: 8 x 8 x 9.25 inch (20 x 20 x 23.5 cm)
- Food and beverages should be charged for 10-20 seconds maximum.
- Pharmaceuticals should ideally not be charged or leveraged as a frequency base in the Infinity Bloc. If you want to charge such substances and/or leverage the frequencies and/or neutralize the harmful frequencies in such substances, then please take a look at the Quantum Bloc.
- We strongly recommend to only upgrade to the second generation infinity bloc within the first 6-12 months. The second genereration infinity bloc is already 7 times stronger than the first – with 4,200 quantum consciousness levels. It is highly recommended to adjust to that and have the environment adjust as well.
The Infinity Bloc works the same way as the Quantum Bloc in regards to the concept and what can be done with it – except it is faster, stronger, and in addition, it can be purchased as a package that is specifically designed to let you infinitely increase the pure quantum energy strength/level. Already the basic Infinity Bloc contains 6.5 times more quantum consciousness levels than the Quantum Bloc
Here we are repeating the questions we’ve already answered in the Quantum Bloc section, with charging times and specifications adjusted to the Infinity Bloc below:
What is an Infinity Bloc?
An Infinity Bloc is, like the Quantum Bloc, a tool and technology that contains and provides a concentrated quantum energy space within the space in between the golden plates. Therefore, it can also be called a quantum energy generator or a quantum space generator for that matter. It is the first device on the market that cannot be made any better by leveraging any other tools, devices or quantum energy generators that are available. On the contrary, it can make any other device or product better due to its highly advanced energetic nature. The Infinity Bloc is stronger and faster in its capacity than the Quantum Bloc. Most people that leverage this technology own a Quantum Bloc and an Infinity Bloc, because for certain applications one works better than the other. In addition, we recommend to anyone new to quantum energy and this specific technology, to start with the Quantum Bloc. However, we do not require it.
What does the Infinity Bloc do/help with?
It’s literally impossible to list all of the things that the Infinity Bloc can support, optimize and/or help with. Here we list some things that have all been proven by tests, testimonials, and third-party studies:
- It can harmonize the energy in a home, restaurant, or workspace
- It creates an energetic feng shui of any space it is put in
- It harmonizes and neutralizes EMF (3G, 4G, 5G, wifi, microwaves, etc.)
- It neutralizes negative frequencies
- It can neutralize harmful frequencies in water and snow due to chemtrails and any other environmental influences (e.g. aluminum, zinc, and various alpha and beta radiation particles)
- You can charge any object that fits into the Infinity Bloc with pure and dynamic quantum energy
- You can copy any frequency into any object that fits into the Infinity Bloc. However, we recommend the Quantum Bloc for frequency transfers. Because of the enormous strength of the Infinity Bloc, it’s not that well suited for frequency transfers, although frequency transfers can be done, They require specific attention and some basic training to do this with an Infinity Bloc.
- You can structurally enhance and optimize any product that fits in an Infinity Bloc, e.g. water, other beverages, food, groceries, and even other products like tennis rackets, water bottles, etc.
- You can make your own quantum energy and frequency products for yourself and your family and close friends (non-commercially, unless you want to do it commercially in which case you can sign a commercial license agreement)
- You can support any of your plants, seedlings or trees in your home and garden with the energy of the Infinity Bloc. In addition, you can leverage the Infinity Bloc to charge the water that you give to the plants, or even the pipes, hose, etc.
- You can do non-commercial quantum entanglement with an Infinity Bloc. This is a broad and very interesting topic. We’ve performed countless tests and even a study in that regard. We’re happy to share more about it if you’re interested. With the Infinity Bloc, it is important to not charge or transfer energy for too long.
- And many more applications…
The range of the first Infinity Bloc is about 1,000 meters (3,280 feet) in all directions. (The range of the standard Quantum Bloc is about 40 – 45 meters (130 – 145 feet).)
There is no polarity in the Leela Infinity Bloc. Magnets add pressure, instability, and a certain type of alignment to a quantum field, so the energy of a magnet-supported quantum field is a “trapped” and almost imprisoned energy force that doesn’t flow freely, and constantly battles with the magnetic field. Energetically speaking, the field needs to reboot itself constantly. The instability, disharmony and energetic pressure can be felt and “seen” in such devices, and it impacts everything in its proximity.
With the Infinity Bloc we created a groundbreaking new quantum energy generator which doesn’t provide just a one-dimensional quantum field, but a truly multi-dimensional quantum space, and is additionally very strong. It is also not bound to Earth’s magnetic fields in any way, and therefore it can be considered (and energetically looks like) a quantum sun, since it shines and transmits in all directions freely with no Earth-bound flow. It is dynamic, harmonious, always stable, and it keeps these qualities when the quantum energy concentration and consciousness/perspective levels are increased (Infinity Bloc package). While the use of an Infinity Bloc comes with a certain responsibility, please know that the energy is always balanced and harmonious. This means you can have visitors and “energy newcomers” over to your house, and they can feel relaxed, comfortable and supported, even with the immense quantum energy power.
License Agreement?
There is a license agreement for personal use. We do offer commercial agreements for anyone interested. If you are interested in using the Leela Quantum Technology commercially, you can send an email to info[at] The Leela Quantum and Infinity Bloc product design patents have been filed for multiple countries, including the US, Europe and Switzerland.
Can frequencies be transferred?
Within only 10 seconds, any frequency can be copied and transferred into another object using the Leela Infinity Bloc. However, we recommend the Quantum Bloc for frequency transfers. Because of of the enormous strength of the Infinity Bloc, it’s not that well suited for frequency transfers, although frequency transfers can be done, They require specific attention and some basic training to do this with an Infinity Bloc.
What frequencies can be copied?
Literally any frequency you choose can be copied. You can build your own library with different frequencies and/or you can copy a frequency of your choice into an object so you can benefit from it. For example, you could copy the frequency of frankincense into a pendant or a t-shirt, so you can benefit from the frankincense frequency while you are wearing the t-shirt or pendant. Another example would be to take a Leela Quantum frequency card of your choice and copy the frequency/ies into a watch, into food, a glass of water, jewelry, etc. Again, we recommend to use the Quantum Bloc over the Infinity Bloc for frequency transfers.
Can I copy the frequencies of supplements or pharmaceuticals?
Yes, supplements can be done, and it only takes up to 10 seconds. However, we recommend the Quantum Bloc for frequency transfers. Because of of the enormous strength of the Infinity Bloc, it’s not that well suited for frequency transfers, although frequency transfers can be done, They require specific attention and some basic training to do this with an Infinity Bloc. Pharmaceuticals should ideally not be charged or leveraged as a frequency base in the Infinity Bloc. If you want to charge such substances and/or leverage the frequencies and/or neutralize the harmful frequencies in such substances, then please take a look at the Quantum Bloc.
Can we create our own homeopathic or frequency medicine with an Infinity Bloc?
You could do this, but we highly recommend the Quantum Bloc over the Infinity Bloc for this. The Infinity Bloc is very strong, and especially for these types of substances the use of the Quantum Bloc is way easier.
Can we copy sound frequencies in the Infinity Bloc?
Yes, that’s definitely possible. While typical sound frequencies are not recommended to listen to for too long, that also holds true if they are copied into an object, so that the sound frequencies are there, but you can’t hear the physical sound. So if you do that, please keep it in mind.
You can put a glass of good water (glass and water should not have been purposely charged with any frequencies and/or quantum energy beforehand) in between two speakers, or in front of one speaker (if you only use one). After several minutes (or whenever the piece is over, in case you want to charge a whole music piece) you can then put the same glass of water into the Infinity Bloc and add a target object into the Infinity Bloc as well. That can be aluminum foil, aluminum, brass or other metal card or capsule, etc. After 10 seconds you can remove both the glass and the target object, since the frequency will already be copied by then. If you want to charge the target object further with more quantum energy, you can leave it in for longer, but in most cases not longer than 3 – 5 minutes. Food and beverages should not be charged for more than 10 seconds.
Can the Infinity Bloc support me with reaching goals and working with affirmations?
The more concentrated and powerful a quantum energy space is the more it can support and accelerate manifestation. Please be aware that the Infinity Bloc does not support any will/goals/affirmations that are not in line with the universal law, are manipulative in nature, or follow any cussing, cursing, etc. However, the immense quantum energy of the Infinity Bloc can boost, accelerate and help manifest anything that’s positive in nature, and in line with your soul and the universal plan (which you can also call God’s plan, Spirit’s plan, etc.). The more in-tune you are with your higher self and the more energy, feeling, visualization and focus you put into an affirmation or goal, the more likely it is you will achieve it, and the faster you will get there. The Leela Infinity Bloc can further increase and accelerate this, and in addition it can do it for you, while you don’t focus on it, which comes in very handy.
Charging Items
With the Infinity Bloc you can charge any object that fits into it with pure, dynamic quantum energy. There are some dense materials that take a little bit longer to charge than less dense materials, but in general the Infinity Bloc fully charges most items within a matter of 10 – 30 seconds.
Charging times for different Materials and different substances
- Any beverages, water and food need to only be charged for 10 – 20 seconds. Longer can be too much for certain fruits, etc.
- Any other items that are denser and are not for human or animal consumption need only 10 – 30 seconds in the Infinity Bloc. However, you can leave them in longer if you like. Generally, we suggest to not leave any items in the Infinity Bloc for longer than 1 minute, unless it’s larger dense objects for a specific purpose, for charging your next Infinity Bloc, or for shoes.
- Phone/ipad/laptop: 30 seconds. Maximum of 5 – 10 minutes (do not put in Quantum Bloc or your other Infinity Bloc for at least a week after that)
- Fabrics: 10 seconds. Up to 5 minutes for extra charge. If the fabrics contain any metal, then please do not put them into a Quantum Bloc or your other Infinity Bloc for at least another week if you charged them for 5 minutes, or accidentally longer.
- Shoes: 30 seconds. But 10 – 30 minutes for a possibly permanent (So far we know that the charge lasts for at least 1 month for shoes – despite walking or running with the shoes -, but possibly way longer.)
- Metals should NOT be charged for more than 3 minutes cumulative.
- Pharmaceuticals should ideally not be charged or leveraged as a frequency base in the Infinity Bloc. If you want to charge such substances and/or leverage the frequencies and/or neutralize the harmful frequencies in such substances, then please take a look at the Quantum Bloc.
- We strongly recommend to only upgrade to the second generation infinity bloc within the first 6-12 months. The second genereration infinity bloc is already 7 times stronger than the first – with 4,200 quantum consciousness levels. It is highly recommended to adjust to that and have the environment adjust as well.
Ideas of objects you can charge with the Infinity Bloc, so you can add more concentrated quantum energy in various parts of your home, your garden, etc.
- Clothing & Shoes: shirts, pants, blouses, skirts, tennis shoes, sandals, boots, etc.
- Pet stuff: bowls, collars, dog food
- Plants: pots, rocks, etc.
- Kitchen: food, beverages, plates, cups, glasses, silverware, etc.
- Bathroom: shower heads, shower hose, toothbrush, cosmetics, bathroom mats, etc.
- Car: removable beverage holders, mats, seat belts/buckles, license plates. Obviously, you can’t charge your entire car or even most of the parts, because they are so much bigger than the size of an Infinity Bloc. You certainly can put an Infinity Bloc into your car while you are on road trips to optimize the energy in your whole car.
- Electronics: headphones (please don’t charge them for more than 5 minutes), smartphones, battery packs, cables, laptops, remote controls, WIFI adapters, etc.
- Sleep & Bedroom: we don’t recommend to charge a lot of objects in your bedroom with quantum energy due to its generally stimulating effect, though you can choose a few things as long as they are not too close to your bed. It’s certainly different with the specific Leela frequencies/frequency cards that support sleep, inner peace, etc.
- Jewelry: bracelets, rings, earrings, necklaces, etc.
- Water: this was already listed under kitchen. Water is such an important element that we use for so many things, including drinking, bathing, cooking, giving it to our pets, flowers, etc. You can positively influence a lot of things in your life by charging your water with a Leela Infinity Bloc!