Magnesium Crystals

According to Mt. Sinai, 90% of Americans have a Magnesium deficiency. This is synonymous with diabetes and many cardiovascular problems, and has even been implicated in chronic stress, anxiety, depression, sugar cravings, celiac and digestive issues, hormonal imbalances, trouble sleeping, and more. Magnesium is responsible for over 300 biochemical reactions in the body and impacts blood pressure, metabolism, immune function, and so many other aspects of health. Magnesium is absolutely key.
- Detoxify and Relieve Congested Skin - Pull toxins out!
- Mix with water or magnesium oil to make a paste and apply
- Use it in your detox bath to stop re-absorption of toxins
Magnesium Powder (Snow) pulls toxins from deep within your body through skin cells, not to be reabsorbed..
- Use this powder mixed into a wet paste that will pull toxins from your skin. You can further enhance this effect by mixing in some Laminar Powder.
- Magnesium Carbonate will easily get rid of your constipation. Be very careful with the amount you try, as its effects can be quite dramatic.
Unless and until you clean out your insides, diseases can only be in remission, prepared to resurface. Your path to healing must include cleansing endeavors to remove the causes of disease.
Magnesium is a key, essential nutrient, necessary for every major process in your body. It’s needed for bone strength, muscle strength and heartbeat, as well as the functioning of your nervous system. Without these taking place efficiently, your body is in trouble.
Relaxing AND Rejuvenating
Magnesium Crystals Enable Cellular REgeneration to exceed DEgeneration
Adequate magnesium will help you live a very long, stress free life, as it is the ultimate companion in your battle with aging. Magnesium helps prevent a number of health conditions that occur in adults as they age, including tumors and blood sugar management.
Prevent sleepless nights – keeps you from feeling fatigued during the day. Getting adequate sleep is essential for your physical health and mental clarity. Getting the recommend daily dosage of Magnesium accomplishes this.
In addition to working directly to reduce the risk of many common health issues, these Magnesium Crystals will alleviate symptoms of magnesium deficiency, such as excessive anxiety, which can have a domino effect leading to even more symptoms.
Magnesium is essential for bone health (combats bone loss), maintaining proper blood sugar and preventing tumors. It’s also involved in many biochemical reactions including protein synthesis, insulin sensitivity, and assisting in the body’s absorption of Vitamin D.
By simply bathing in Magnesium Crystals (or a foot bath) you can restore vital magnesium to your body. Relax your nerves, remove everyday stress, relieves tension, jump-starts enzymes (important for protein and carbohydrate metabolism), and more.
Directions for Use
In your bathtub (preferably), dissolve 1/4 cup Magnesium Crystals and soak for at least 20 minutes, for 5 consecutive days. After this initial period, repeat twice a week or as often as you wish.
Alternately in a foot basin, dissolve 1/4 cup Magnesium Crystals in heated Prill Water, and soak your feet for at least 20 minutes, for 5 consecutive days, and twice a week thereafter.
If you are not becoming calm, relaxed, and stress-resistant, try a double dose of Magnesium Crystals, or repeat the baths more often. To enhance the effects, use with 1 teaspoon of Magnesium Powder and Laminar Powder, or try using our Bath Prills to improve the water structure.
Keep container closed when not in use.
Recommended Use
Restore vital magnesium to relax your nerves, relieve tension and soften hardened tissues for less pain. Engage the “Rest and Digest, Repair and Regenerate” side of your nervous system.
If you are already feeling lethargic, woozy, sleepy, or your blood pressure is very low, it is not the right time to use a magnesium soak.
Beyond easing constipation, magnesium allows you to sleep well and stay calm, avoiding mood problems, restless legs, muscle cramps and twitches. It works by activating the rest, repair and digest side of your autonomic nervous system.
Along with alleviating constipation, Magnesium Carbonate has a wide array of medicinal properties in the prevention and treatment of magnesium deficiency.
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